Winter care of our beloved pets, generally, depends on where we keep them – indoors or outdoors, what type of food we feed them, and on their age. Keep reading to learn more!
Winter is in full swing over here in Serbia! Show flakes come and go, cold winds blow from time to time, so we have to wear warm scarves, winter hats and gloves to protect our body from the minus temperatures. That is why we though on sharing with you some tips and tricks for taking care of your favorite Rottweiler in winter.
How Rottweiler age affects their winter care routine
Before we delve deeper into specific food regimens and kennel conditions, it is important to bear in mind that we talk about adult Rottweilers.
You know that all babies require special attention and care – so do ours. It is us who take care of their health and wellbeing the most, but they need to spend time with their mother, with other dogs and with people too. Their shelter must be warmer and cozier than for adult dogs because their thermal regulation is still not at a satisfactorily high level. If possible, Rottweiler puppies should spend the coldest days and nights with us, indoors. That way not only will the pups be fully protected against the cold but also get to spend more time with people and receive from them all the love and affection they need.
Furthermore, since Serbia is in the region of normal continental climate, where winters tend to be snowy and averagely cold, with average January temperatures around 0 °C (32 °F), we are used to such climate, and so are our dogs. However, 5 years ago February was extremely cold, with thermostat hitting -27 for days in a row, so we had to take special care of our dogs to help them through such extreme winter.
When your Rottweiler is indoors
Dog food
The first and the easiest option is for the Rottweiler owners who keep their dogs indoors – because not much changes about their care or food. Such dogs are not as affected by changes in external temperatures, as they spend most of their time in cozy and comfortable indoors setting, just as any season, and only go outside for regular walks when the owner decides to.
Plain and simple, indoors Rottweilers’ food usually remains the same throughout the year, so there is no reason to change it in winter either.
Rottweilers need regular walks in winter too
When taking your Rottie out for a walk or some fun time with other dogs or people, bear in mind that they should not stay in the open for too long if they spend most of their time in the house.
Take them out regularly and do not expose them to exercises that will make them inevitably sweaty – this way you risk harming your dog’s health.
Rottweilers like regular walks that do not last too long. When back in the house, depending on the external humidity, it is enough to wipe their fur with a dry cloth.
Dog raincoats and the like
Additionally, although it has become a fad to dress up your pets every time you take them outside for a walk, with Rottweilers there is no real need to do so.
Their fur naturally thickens with winter season to keep their body temperature steady, hence putting on a sweater or a winter coat is just a good way to make your dog feel uncomfortable and unnatural.
When your Rottweiler is outdoors
On the other hand, Rottweilers that remain outdoors demand a slightly different nurture and care during winter, to help them be less affected by the low temperatures and, in general, the overall change of their natural habitat.
Dog food
It is crucial for pets to consume enough liquids in the day throughout winter. That is why winter food for Rottweilers should be warm and liquid or at least in stew, because such food can help them warm up and react to changing climate conditions better.
Secondly, since body needs more energy in winter to keep the bodily temperature steady and to keep the normal metabolism functioning properly, it is also advisable to feed the dog with more nutritious food in terms of fats and proteins.
Dog shelter
Here in Fere Perfectum dog kennel, we provide our dogs with different types of shelters, depending on their age and their general physical aptness.
All our Rottweilers are housed in either wooden shelters, which are enough of a protection from wind and cold temperatures, or even brick and mortar facilities renovated to fit their needs. This second option not only protects them from the elements but also keeps their bedding warm and dry at all times, which is essentially important in cold winters with a lot of rain or snow.
When your European champion Rottweiler has his own wooden shelter, take care of its size. Dog house should be small enough for the dog to warm it up with its own bodily temperature, and also to protect him or her against humidity. When we keep our Rotts in their wooden houses, we always add some straw to ensure they are warm and cozy enough no matter the temperature or the elements.
Prepare yourself and your Rottweiler for when winter knocks on your doors. That way you will know what to do and how to change the food you feed your dog and the kennel where they stay throughout winter.
When your Rottweilers are indoors, take them out for walks regularly and do not change their food nor dress them up in raincoats or dog sweaters. When they are outdoors, keep their shelter warm and dry, provide them with a house that is just a bit bigger than them and that will be enough of a protection against the elements.
And now back to you! Have we mentioned all you need to know about Rottweiler care in winter? Do you have any specific routines or regimens that differ from ours? Feel free to share with us!
Have you got any other dilemmas or questions regarding winter care or food? Do not hesitate contacting us, or leave us a comment in the comments section below or on our social media profiles! We look forward to hearing from you!