Here you can learn about Rottweiler breeding and care of small puppies until they are three months old, which is when we sell them to their new owners.
Rottweiler puppy growth and development stages
Puppy development and growth is an omnipresent process which partially ends when a puppy is old enough to be referred as an adult dog. This process consists of several crucial stages, each of which further entails behavioral adaptations and, possibly, sometimes even requires closer eye on the puppy.
It is our goal here in Fere Perfectum German Rottweiler dog kennel to produce genuine, purebred Rottweilers, in both their physical appearance and their character traits, as character is what makes this European Rottweiler species so unique.
Rottweiler breeding stage 1
Stage 1 of newborn Rottweiler puppies is almost completely the same with all whelps – the puppies are steady, relatively passive, and rest all day long. They need to get used to the new surrounding prior to developing senses of sight or hearing. They mostly suck for food and crawl around the kennel.
Our job as breeders is not to interfere with the new litter more than necessary, and to provide them with what Rottweiler females need to nurture their offsprings the best possible way. They need warm, dry and cozy kennel, and a lot of quality food.
Rottweiler breeding stage 2
Stage 2 of newborn Rottweiler puppies starts when they are three weeks old. It is at this point that they start opening their eyes, and can gradually start eating stews in small amounts.
Puppies still bond with their mother only. Since human presence is not advisable yet, at least not more than the necessary minimum, it is our task to keep a keen eye on the babies and provide them with the best kennel conditions for development and growth. With two full-time professional veterinaries, our puppies receive all the care they need!
Rottweiler breeding stage 3
Finally, when Rottweiler puppies are between one and two months old, they go through the third breeding stage. That is where there are things for us to do too!
This stage is crucial in character development, and it usually lasts between the fourth and the seventh week. That is when puppies are ready to leave their mother for the first time, their brains developed enough to start learning. They are now most perceptive to new information and experiences, and the level of their susceptibility to all these sensory input will never be this high again, so what they get used to at this stage will remain with them throughout their lives.
After their senses further develop, puppies form a conscious bond with their mother and siblings, as well as with humans. It is very important for a Rottweiler puppy to familiarize with as many people as possible, so as to socialize and to form a better bond with the future owner later on.
This stage is a truly joyful one for all us who take care of the puppies, because we are now finally not only allowed but advised to be around puppies all day long, to pay as much attention to them as possible, to play with each and every puppy individually so they could later on form a better relation with people in general.
All this happens under the keen eye of the two vets who monitor every puppy, together with children who simply love playing with pets of any kind, be it cubs or kittens or our Rottweiler puppies. These encounters teach our puppies new skills and tricks, and that is how we set solid grounds for future cooperation with people. It is through these playful moments that the puppy will feel safe and joyful, and once the puppy turns into an adult Rottweiler this playfulness will evolve into hard work crave.
With our genuine European German Rottweiler bloodlines, rest assured that such puppy is a true pet whose primary desire is to satisfy your desires, while at the same time acting as a family and property guardian.
What comes after Rottweiler breeding stage 3? Stage 4…
Some breeders believe that puppies are ready to leave their litter and go to a new owner after they are two months old – but we would like to keep them with us for just a bit more.
Puppies that separate from their mother and the rest of their litter are usually isolated from other dogs for a while. Understandably, the new owner’s fear is that unfamiliar dogs from around would hurt the new puppy. There is also their legitimate concern that the puppy could catch a disease or an infection, since the puppy has not been vaccinated against all diseases.
Luckily, we found a solution to this problem: we do not sell our Rottweiler puppies before they are 10-12 weeks old. This way we make sure they are vaccinated and re-vaccinated, and we provide them with a lot of joyful moments of play with their siblings, hence delivering you with a social and playful puppy willing to play with other dogs, and of a stable character.
After this stage, our German Rottweiler puppies are ready to leave the Fere Perfectum dog kennel, we hand them to their new owners – you, hoping our Rotts would bring you as much joy as they brought to us.
Of course, there are more stages following stage 4. Stages 5 and 6 entail further training and maturation of a puppy into an adult Rottweiler, but that is a whole new story…