Fere Perfectum is an international German Rottweiler dog kennel with over 20 years of experience in dog breeding. We are from Serbia, yet we breed German blood lines.Over 95% of our German Rottweilers are now dispersed across North America and Europe. It is a common practice for us to raise a dog and then send it to the US, which is what we do on almost a daily basis.
We are family oriented dog kennel, with only a small team of dedicated professionals. The team consists of myself, Ivan; my father Mile and my godfather Saša, who are the veterinaries of the team; while my brother Milan and my mother Milanka take care of our small puppies. Our team includes two more members: our dog trainer Slaviša and our dog handler Marina. Together, we form a coherent team fully dedicated to our Rottweilers, and we cover all aspects of their lives, starting from education and nurture from the very first day, over socialisation, grooming, all the way to their basic and advanced training, as well as conformation shows or breed shows and dog exhibitions.

child and yorkie
As many kids at a young age, I wanted to have a pet. My choice were dogs. I owned numerous dog breeds: cocker spaniel, German shepherd, terrier, Illyrian sheepdog (also known as Šarplaninac), even miniature schnauzer, but it was only after I got my first Rottweiler that I realise they are the ones!
Once I started familiarizing myself with this amazing dog breed, I soon realized that Germany, where Rottweilers originate from, is the only country to keep a keen eye on breeding and nurturing their dogs. That is why German Rottweilers, both males and females, before breeding for puppies, have to go through a series of tests
and medical check ups, such as hips and elbows scans, as well as several psychological tests to estimate a dog’s character.
Although I spent my life surrounded by dogs, my first Rottweiler puppy proved me that they suit me and my family best. In fact, it took me some time to learn that, instead of trying to find my life call, I had already had it with me my entire life: German Rottweiler breeding. That is why Fere Perfectum German Rottweiler dog kennel is a registered FCI kennel since 2012, although by that time I had been in the business for 10 years.
For those who want a genuine Rottweiler, the only choice is German and German Rottweiler only, as it is this dog breed that, generations back, successfully passed all the necessary tests and is thus flawless.
Rottweiler is a domestic medium-to-large to large dog breed, with a strong skeleton, abundant in strength. A pureblood German Rottweiler is reliable, good-natured, loyal to his family, hard-working, fierce and courageous, smart, with highly developed guarding instincts towards his family members. He is also excellent with kids.
There are several reasons why Fere Perfectum dog kennel is the right choice for you.
Quality before quantity
We breed only pureblood German Rottweilers, as they are the best Rottweiler breed.
Our dogs are imported directly from Germany, such as Gloria von der Burg Weibertreu, while many of our Rottweiler puppies are direct descendants of world champions such as Pablo vom Bullenfel and Nera vom Bullenfeld.
Our dogs can also boast the pedigree line of some of the best German producers‘ dogs, such as Valentino vom Hause Neubrand, Ben vom Langen Grund, Mambo von der Crossener Ranch, Klif von der Crosener Ranch or Lacky von der Südpfalz.
By breeding only German Rottweiler puppies we comply with ADRK standards in breeding and improving this beautiful dog breed.
Expert staff
Fere Perfectum dog kennel has two veterinarians who take care of our Rottweiler puppies and mature dogs on a daily basis, while the other team members, including myself, are in charge of socialising and training them, and keeping them in the best shape possible.
It is important to keep balance between having a higher education professionals on one hand and enthusiasts on the other, so we can now proudly say that we are now a team of seven highly dedicated dog lovers who consider their dogs not only pets but family members.
Our dogs make us happy day after day, even after we ship them abroad. That way they continue the appreciated purebred Rottweiler lines they originate from, and help spread it further around the world.
The kennels
Fere Perfectum kennels provide our dogs with big kennels and spacious gardens, fields and forests to fully enjoy, as well as a lake for them to swim in.
We sell and ship dogs in North America and UK
Fere Perfectum dog kennel breeds German Rottweilers for sale on a global scale.
However, in the past decade, the majority of our dogs went to North America and Europe, with only a small percentage sold nationally. This way, by spreading the best exemplars of our European Rottweilers on other continents, we help continue and further improve their champions’ bloodline.
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